Early Childhood Peer Group

Jul 15, 2020 12:00PM


Log on via Zoom: https://bmcc-cuny.zoom.us/j/95099033577 Meeting ID: 950 9903 3577 No password is required.

Event Contact Laura Kujo | Email


Please join us on Wednesday, July 15 at 12pm for an open community conversation hosted by the NYCMER Early Childhood Peer Group

Akin to our in-person meetings, each of our sessions features a “community share,” intended to showcase a new process, program or resource being explored by our membership.

This month, Cari Frisch, MoMA’s Assistant Director of Family Programs has kindly offered to share results of a recent family survey and plans for their family newsletter and online family art workshops.Open discussion will follow, and we invite you to bring your ideas, questions and suggestions regarding programming, surveys, resource materials, reopening plans or other topics of interest.

You can now connect with the NYCMER Early Childhood Peer Group “Open Forum” on Slack!
https://join.slack.com/t/nycmerearlych-y2u5042/shared_invite/zt-fo80jx84-OiC0Sl64yijz2v2DVGnpVAI hope that this will better support interim communication with regard to planning, professional development, programming and other resources. I am relatively new to this platform, so any sage advice or guidance for our group is welcome.

Please feel free to invite colleagues to join our call.

RSVP: Kindly rsvp to laurakujo@yahoo.com. If you would like to co-pilot with me, please say so! (i.e. chat coverage and support during open discussion)

I look forward to seeing you next week!