Leigh Williams
Family Programs and Visitor Experience Manager
New York Transit Museum

Statement of Interest:
I'm eager to take a more active role in this field that, though relatively new for me, has already proven incredibly rewarding. I've worked in visitor experience for many years, but in a Museum context for just the last year and a half. I'm inspired by the creative ways the City's museums and cultural institutions are responding to the new and deeply challenging reality we have found ourselves in for the last year, and I would relish the opportunity to be a part of the conversation about ways we can all move forward. To the role of NYCMER Trustee-at-Large, I would bring an open mind and innate curiosity, a commitment to working collaboratively, and professional experience that is rooted in looking at things from a visitor’s perspective.
Goals for NYCMER:
If I were granted the opportunity to serve on the NYCMER Board, I would hope to leave my term feeling I'd helped to foster interdepartmental understanding and solidarity within and across institutions. One way to do this is by forwarding the idea that all Museum staff work in visitor experience, regardless of the department in which they work or their title, and without taking anything away from anyone's individual expertise and contributions. I'm also particularly interested in foregrounding issues of accessibility, in the many shapes and forms that takes.
Professional Experience:
As I mentioned, I'm fairly new to the field, so my experience with conferences has been as an eager participant thus far. I have also attended NYCMER peer group meetings, both in person pre-COVID and virtually since, and have really enjoyed meeting people who are working through similar questions and challenges at their respective institutions. Before starting at the Transit Museum, I worked in Visitor Services at the High Line for four years, so I went from working at an elevated former rail line to an underground former rail line! Prior to the High Line, I worked in the retail industry and also had a career as a professional actor doing mostly theatre work.
Specific Skills:
I bring excellent communication and people skills, combined with an attention to detail and strong work ethic. I am deeply curious about a wide variety of topics both within the field, and in the world at large, and I always relish an opportunity to dig in to learning about something that is new to me. I also bring years of experience in team-building and working collaboratively, which I believe would be of great relevance in this position.