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kindling a transformative force of museum professionals.


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Upcoming Events

Drunk Black History (Juneteenth Celebration)

Jun 19, 2024 7:30PM—8:30PM

Littlefield 635 Sackett Street Brooklyn, New York 11217 United States

From Museum Educator to Author – what does it take to write a book? 

Mar 11, 2024 7:00PM—8:00PM

Online Event - sign up now!


Since 1979, NYCMER has provided a forum for museum education professionals to address issues of museum and educational interest, exchange and disseminate relevant information, and to explore and implement cooperative programming opportunities through roundtable discussions, workshops, and an annual conference.

Latest News

NYCMER Response to COVID-19

March 20, 2020

Dear members,  We hope this email finds you and your loved ones healthy and well! Over the past week, we have been inspired by the creative ways in which museum educators have engaged learners remotely and disheartened by the toll closures have taken on our workforce. In response to evolving circumstances, we have compiled resources…

A Message to Members

March 16, 2020

Dear members, First, on behalf of the NYCMER board-of-trustees, I hope that all of you and your loved ones are healthy and doing well.  As a community of museum educators we know that much of our programming and plans have been thrown up in the air–canceled, postponed, converted to virtual, or unknown–with real implications for…

Member Spotlight

Leslie Hayes

Director of Education New-York Historical Society Leslie Hayes is the Director of Education at the New-York Historical Society where she oversees N-YHS’s teacher programs, Citizenship Project, and department-wide projects and administration. She is also a curriculum writer on the exciting Women & the American Story initiative. Prior to joining N-YHS, Leslie helped launch the Brooklyn…