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Peer Groups
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Book Club, Peer Groups, and Regional Meet-Ups offer discussion, professional development, and camaraderie.
Members also have access to exclusive Monthly Programs and the Membership directory.
NYCMER Advocacy
Workshop and Event Resources
From Conference recordings and session materials to skill-building toolkits, to relevant databases, NYCMER members have access to a fantastic array of information.
Check out this recent list of software educators can use in Virtual programs.
Want More Resources?
NYCMER offers a variety of resources for members including materials from past events, articles, and helpful information submitted by our membership.
Members can access additional resources, including the archive of past program materials, by logging into the Member Portal.
If you have questions about our resource collection, contact the NYCMER Resources Coordinator.

Partner Organizations
Formed in 1969, the Museum Education Roundtable fosters professionalism among museum educators across the United States by encouraging leadership, scholarship and research in museum- based learning. MER publishes the Journal of Museum Education
The American Alliance of Museums (formerly the American Association of Museums) strengthens the museum community through advocacy, developing best practices and standards, and providing resources and career development. Many NYCMER members attend AAM's Annual Meeting, and the NYCMER Board recommends reading the 2012 and 2014 National Comparative Museum Salary Surveys.
A part of the American Alliance of Museums, The Standing Professional Committee on Education (EdCom) advances the purpose of museums as places of lifelong learning, serves as an advocate for diverse audiences and educators, and promotes professional standards and excellence in the practice of museum education.
The Media and Technology Network is a Standing Professional Committee of the American Alliance of Museums. Their mission is to identify, access, and advocate a broad variety of program uses for media and technology in helping museum professionals meet the needs of their diverse publics.
Museum, Arts, and Culture Access Consortium (MAC)
MAC is an organization striving toward increasing access to NYC’s cultural institutions for the disability community through connection, education, and advocacy.
New York City Arts in Education Roundtable (NYC AiE)
The New York City Arts in Education Roundtable is a service organization and a community of arts education practitioners sharing information, providing professional development, and communicating with the public to promote our work in schools and beyond.
“InformalScience.org is a growing online community site that strives to support knowledge-sharing, collaboration and the growth of innovation among diverse professionals in the field of informal science education. The site seeks to connect research, practice and evaluation work to a living collection of informal learning projects.” It is part of University of Pittsburgh's Center for Learning in Out-of-School Environments (UPCLOSE).
GEM Group for Education in Museums
They “promote the importance of learning through museums, galleries and other cultural organizations.” They are based in the UK, but have members around the world.