Event Archives 2013-2014

Teaching with Technology: Approaches to Mobile and Digital Media in Museum Education
During this NYCMER program, held on November 18, 2013 at Sony Wonder Technology Lab, panelists discussed ways they have been using technology to teach visitors within a museum setting and online.

Sara Bodinson, Director of Interpretation and Research at the Museum of Modern Art, shared her experience working on the Audio+ mobile guide, which replaced the museum's traditional audio guides. Megan Innes, Digital Education Coordinator at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, explored the possibilities of reaching untapped audiences through TED Ed(ucation), Google Hangouts, and 3D printing files. Museum Educator Rachel Ropeik discussed how educators at the Brooklyn Museum are utilizing iPads in their gallery programs.

Special thanks to videographer Frank Rodriguez for creating this video.


Getting to the Core of the Common Core Part II
Renowned literacy, curriculum development specialist and Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) expert, Rhonda Jenkins focuses on two concepts that anchor the defining benchmarks of the CCLS: Rigor & Text Complexity. A facilitated question and answer session with museum and classroom educators followed Ms. Jenkins' lecture.

This workshop was organized by the New York City Museum Educators Roundtable and was held on January 22, 2014 at the Poet's House in Manhattan. The first "Getting to the Core of the Common Core" workshop was held at the Bronx Museum of the Arts on October 27, 2012 and may be viewed here: http://youtu.be/Ug2zMeCselE.


Getting the Most from Evaluation: Strategies for Successful Program Assessment
In this session, panelists from The Bruce Museum of Arts and Science, The Wildlife Conservation Society, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art presented lessons learned and best practices from evaluation projects. Topics included projects of all sizes, zeroing in on measurable goals, establishing analysis guidelines, creating useful reports, and going deep versus going broad. Stephanie Downey, Managing Director at Randi Korn and Associates, Inc, moderated.

This event occurred on February 12, 2014.

Download: StephanieDowneyEvaluationTips .pdf
Download: EmilyBlumenthalEvaluationPresentation.pdf
Download: BruceMuseumEvaluations.pdf

Building Culturally Diversity and Inclusion in Museums
Cultural diversity and inclusion are important to the development of progressive museums, however, creating inclusive and safe spaces can be challenging. In this interactive session, Gonzalo Casals, Director of Public Programs, Education and Community Engagement at Friends of the High Line and former Deputy Executive Director of El Museo del Barrio, moderated a discussion with a panel of museum educators.

Panelists discussed their experiences confronting challenges to building culturally diverse and inclusive spaces and offered examples of how they work to overcome these challenges through teaching, programming and leadership.

The panelists were:
Radiah Harper, Vice Director for Education and Program Development, Brooklyn Museum
Sady Sullivan, Director of Oral History, Co-Director, Crossing Borders, Bridging Generations, Brooklyn Historical Society
Jason Yoon, Director of Education, Queens Museum of Art

This event was held on March 5, 2014, at Brooklyn Historical Society

Download: Silenced_Dialogue_by_L_Delpit.pdf

Activating the Museum through Pop-Up Experiments in Visitor Engagement
Presented at the 2014 NYCMER Conference by Sara Bodinson, Stephanie Pau, Sarah Kennedy, and Jackie Armstrong.

Download: NYCMER 2014 - Pop Up Learning Spaces.pdf
Download: NYCMER_WorkshopBrainstorm_Cards.pdf

Moving Through the Mission: Teen Engagement and Institutional Identity
Presented at the 2014 NYCMER Conference by Hannie Chia, Betsy Gibbons, Jamie Auriemma, and Becky Aleman.

Download: NYCMER2014_Teens.pdf
Download: NYCMER 2014 Venn Diagram.pdf
Download: NYCMER 2014 Teen Worksheet.pdf

Museums in the Classroom: An Opportunity to Reimagine Programming for School Communities
Presented at the 2014 NYCMER Conference by Kimberly Cisneros, Emma Nordin, and Suzanne Koppelman.

Download: NYCMER 2014 _Museums in the Classroom.pdf

Creating Community: Social and Cultural Inclusion of Non-Traditional Audiences
Presented at the 2014 NYCMER Conference by Marie Clapot, Michelle López, Lyndsey Anderson, and Patricia Lannes.

Download: NYCMER 2014 Creating Community.pdf

Activating History: Interpretation in Three Acts
Presented at the 2014 NYCMER Conference by Kate Fermoile, Alex Tronolone, Amanda Hinkle, and LaShaya Howie.

Download: IPOF WS.pdf

Building Community from the Inside Out
Presented at the 2014 NYCMER Conference by Pedro Garcia and Emily Gallagher.

Download: NYCMER 2014 Building Community.pdf

65 and Up, Up, Up! Collaborating with Senior Service Agencies
Presented at the 2013-14 NYCMER Conference by Elizabeth Gronke, Kerry Downey, Anne Spurgeon, Mary Farkas, Tom Weber.

Download: 65 and Up.pdf

Engaging Young Learners and Their Communities Through Programming and Beyond the Walls of the Institution
Presented at the 2014 Conference by Emilie Jayne Hanson, Jennie Inchausti, and Laura Craft.

Download: CPZ-Rubin Presentation.pdf
Download: CPZ Toddler Lesson Plan - Pigeons.pdf
Download: Handout - Hatchling Lesson Plan (bird).pdf

Starting from Scratch: Tackling Institutional Challenges through New Low Budget Programming
Presented at the 2014 Conference by Hannah Heller and Marco Castro.

Download: Starting From Scratch NYCMER 2014.pdf

Far Yet Near: Extended Communities Through Museum School Partnerships
Presented at the 2014 NYCMER Conference by Erin K. Hylton, Jessica Baldenhofer, and Dawn Brooks DeCosta.

Download: Far Yet Near NYCMER 2014.pdf

Stimulating the Senses and Promoting Play for Children with Autism/Sensory Processing Disorders
Presented at the 2014 NYCMER Conference by Barbara Johnson Stemler, Wéma Harris, Jessica Liss, Sarah Moshenberg.

Download: SensoryFriendly NYCMER 2014-.pdf
Download: SensoryFriendly_ASDHandout.pdf

Outputs, Outcomes and Impact: Approaches to Assessing Intangibles
Presented at the 2014 NYCMER Conference by Lynda Kennedy, Claudia Ocello, and Jen Oleniczak.

Download: Outputs, Outcomes and Impact - Kennedy and Oleniczak.pdf
Download: 2014 NYCMER presentation-Ocello -2- -1-.pdf
Download: NYCMER handout OcelloMPC.docx

Frameworks for Engagement: Cultivating New Relationships between Teachers, Learners, and Objects
Presented at the 2014 NYCMER Conference by Elizabeth Manekin, Elizabeth Williams, and Isabel Bird.

Download: ManekinWilliamsBird Frameworks for Engagement NYCMER 2014.pdf

Survival of the Fittest: Native Plants and Local Teens in the Bronx
Presented at the 2014 NYCMER Conference by Tai Montanarella, Mariela Regalado, Hyo Kim, and Jashleen Valerio.

Download: ManekinWilliamsBird Frameworks for Engagement NYCMER 2014.pdf
Download: Partnership Care Sheet.pdf
Download: 5C's of Partnership Work.pdf

Did We See Art Today?: Collaborating with the (Non-Educator) Emerging Contemporary Artist
Presented at the 2014 NYCMER Conference by Molly O’Brien, Cody Rae Knue, and Jessica Cannon.

Download: Did We See Art Today NYCMER 2014.pdf

Reframing Family Audiences: Understanding and Serving the Family as a Learning Institution
Presented at the 2014 NYCMER Conference by Barbara Palley, Alice Stevenson, and Rachel Walman.

Download: Reframing the Family as Learning Institution NYCMER 2014.pdf