Board of Trustees
NYCMER is a volunteer-run, non-profit organization, led by a board of trustees nominated by members to represent our diverse field.
Elections take place each spring and the results are announced at our annual conference in May. The 2025 Call for Nominations is now closed. If you are interested in learning more about the board or running in the future, please visit Run for the Board.
NYCMER Board Members, 2024-2025
President: Leah Golubchick
Vice President: Emily Edmonds-Langham
Secretary & Peer Group Liaison: Annina Christensen
Treasurer: Veronica Miller
Appointed Trustees
Archivist: Brian Levine
Job Listings Coordinator: Lillian Young
Membership Coordinator: Caitlyn Clemmer
Resources & Social Media Coordinator: Kaitlin Schmidt
Website Coordinator: Presley Rodriguez
Alexia Wang
Daniel Zeiger
Jesse Brown
Kirstin Clouser
Mary Tsaltas-Ottomanelli
Rosemary Puckett
Sonya Ochshorn
Stephanie Joseph
About the NYCMER Board
NYCMER’s governing body is the Board of Trustees, nominated by NYCMER Members and consisting of current NYCMER Members all serving in non-salaried positions. The Board consists of four elected Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary & Peer Groups Liaison, Treasurer); five Appointed Trustees (Archivist, Membership Coordinator, Resources & Social Media Coordinator, Event and Job Listings Coordinator and Website Coordinator); and no fewer than eight elected Trustees-at-Large. No more than three Trustees may have the same full-time institutional affiliation.
The Board's obligation to its members is to govern in a style that embraces and supports diversity on many levels, including but not limited to race, ability, and identity, incorporates a spectrum of perspectives, and emphasizes the importance of equity.
The purposes of the Board as set forth in its 501(c)(3) Certificate of Incorporation are:
- to address issues of museum and educational interest;
- to exchange and disseminate relevant information;
- to explore and implement cooperative programming opportunities through roundtable discussions, workshops, seminars, symposia, professional development series, and conferences; and
- to pursue related charitable, cultural and educational purposes as permitted under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
For more information, please see the NYCMER bylaws.