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Run for the Board of Trustees

Are you interested in shaping the future of museum education? Want to amplify a diverse range of voices through quality professional development? Looking for a way to grow your network and get more involved in NYCMER? Ready to grow as a leader? Nominate yourself for the NYCMER Board!


Call for Nominations to the Board

The New York City Museum Educators Roundtable (NYCMER) is a volunteer-run, non-profit organization whose board members represent our dynamic field. The Board welcomes applicants from across the New York metropolitan area, at all career levels and from diverse academic, professional, and cultural backgrounds. All NYCMER members are welcome to apply.


Have someone in mind? Please share this opportunity with them and encourage them to run! That encouragement can make a big difference!


How to Apply

  • Review position descriptions and board commitments. 
  • Complete the application form by Friday, March 7, 2025. You can preview the form here. 
  • Ask a NYCMER member in good standing to complete the reference form by Tuesday, March 11, 2025. You can preview the form here.
  • Make sure that your NYCMER membership is up to date. Not sure? Our Membership Coordinator, Cait Clemmer, is happy to help. Email her at
  • Questions about the process or any of the open positions? Email


Open Positions for Nominations for July 2025-June 2027:


Vice President - Manage NYCMER’s largest professional development event of the year!

The Vice President serves as Chair of the Annual Conference Committee and is an executive member of the Board. The VP recruits and oversees the Conference Committee (CC), establishes a budget with the Treasurer, selects a venue, and works with the CC to request and review session proposals, identify a keynote speaker, plan evaluation, and more. The VP is also responsible for overseeing the selection of the NYCMER intern. It is recommended that candidates have experience serving on the Conference Committee prior to serving as VP. This position is elected by NYCMER members. 


Secretary & Peer Group Liaison - Foster member networking and ongoing learning!

The Secretary & Peer Group Liaison is responsible for keeping minutes of all meetings of the Board and is the point person between the Board and NYCMER’s Peer Groups. The Secretary provides guidance and support for Peer Group Coordinators to ensure that their groups provide NYCMER members with meaningful opportunities for collaboration, peer-to-peer learning, and exchange of resources, within the organization’s guidelines. The Secretary is an executive member of the Board, sets the Peer Group budget with the Treasurer, recruits Coordinators, and guides the future of Peer Groups. This position is elected by NYCMER members.


Archivist - Preserve NYCMER’s history to help guide its future!

The Archivist maintains NYCMER’s files and historical records. This position also maintains governance structure and ensures periodic reviews of bylaws, governing documents, and policies and procedures. This position is appointed by the NYCMER Board of Trustees.


Postings Coordinator - Keep members connected to job and event opportunities!

The Postings Coordinator processes and oversees outreach for all job and external event postings. This position is appointed by the NYCMER Board of Trustees.


Website Coordinator  - Strengthen NYCMER’s online presence and tools for members!

The Website Coordinator maintains NYCMER’s website by posting program announcements and other documents, updating the site as needed and assessing and implementing current technology and design. This position also plays a significant role in organizing and coordinating communication with membership and sending all NYCMER emails to our list of over 2,000 contacts. This position is appointed by the NYCMER Board of Trustees.


Trustee-at-Large (5 two-year terms)  - Plan programs, advocate for members, and guide NYCMER’s priorities. 

Trustees-at-Large develop, facilitate, and lead monthly professional development programs and serve on committees to ensure that events and activities are carried out in accordance with the goals and objectives of NYCMER’s mission. This position is elected by NYCMER members.


Additional Board Commitments

All NYCMER Board Members are expected to make the following commitments:

  • Monthly Meetings: held once a month (September-May) from 6:15-8pm on a weekday and location determined by consensus at the beginning of the term. Board Members must attend at least 6 of the 9 meetings annually.
  • Full-Day Retreat: a one-day retreat scheduled in summer 2025 at a location to be determined. Titled trustees also attend a half-day pre-retreat earlier in the summer.
  • Monthly Programs: Board Members plan monthly (September-April) professional development and networking programs. They serve, as a minimum, on either two monthly program teams or on one program team and one committee over the course of the year. In addition, Board Members must attend at least three monthly programs.
  • Board Committees: Board Members may also serve on committees that support the management and long term growth of the organization.
  • Annual Conference: All NYCMER Board Members assist the Conference Committee in executing the NYCMER Annual Conference in May. Board attendance at the NYCMER Conference is mandatory. 


Have questions? We’re here to chat!

Have questions about being on the board or the application process? Email, If you’d like to chat about being on the NYCMER Board, please let us know what position you’re interested in when you email, we’ll set up a time for you to talk to a board member one on one.



NYCMER was founded in 1979 and continues to grow with membership from across the tri-state area, representing a variety of disciplines, work settings, roles and career stages. NYCMER provides a forum for museum education professionals to address meaningful issues relevant to our work and to exchange and disseminate current information. We collaboratively produce professional development opportunities for our members and guests such as workshops, roundtable discussions, seminars, symposia, peer groups, and conferences.


About the NYCMER Board

NYCMER’s governing body is the Board of Trustees, consisting of current NYCMER Members all serving in non-salaried positions. The Board consists of four Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary & Peer Groups Liaison, Treasurer); five Appointed Trustees (Archivist, Resources & Social Media Coordinator, Membership Coordinator, Event and Job Listings Coordinator and Website Coordinator); and no fewer than eight Trustees-at-Large elected from among the Members. No more than three Trustees may have the same full-time institutional affiliation.


The Board's obligation to its members is to govern in a style that embraces and supports diversity on many levels, including but not limited to race, ability, and identity, incorporates a spectrum of perspectives, and emphasizes the importance of equity.


The purposes of the Board as set forth in its 501(c)(3) Certificate of Incorporation are:

  • to address issues of museum and educational interest;
  • to explore and implement cooperative programming opportunities through roundtable discussions, workshops, seminars, symposia, professional development series, and conferences; and
  • to pursue related charitable, cultural and educational purposes as permitted under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

About Board Positions

The full new Board will be announced ahead of the NYCMER Annual Conference.

How do I vote?

  • In April all NYCMER members will receive a ballot via Election Runner.
  • To vote for member-elected positions, make sure that your NYCMER membership is up to date! You can check your membership status by logging into the Member Portal. If you have any questions, our Membership Coordinator, Caitlyn Clemmer, is happy to help. Email her at